CYK Tech Events
Take a look at the regular events, articles and insights, covering a wide range of tech-related topics, from our expert team at CYK Tech.

CYK delighted to host the most recent Tech Disputes Network webinar
CYK were very pleased to host the most recent Tech Disputes Network webinar where CYK Senior Associate Michael Cumming-Bruce joined

Digital Justice in the Pandemic – Webinar
Watch the panel of European legal experts who spoke at the CYK webinar on Digital Justice in the Era of Covid-19, covering five major European jurisdictions…

Digital Justice in the Era of Covid-19: a Pan-European Perspective
CYK are pleased to invite you to join them in an upcoming webinar entitled Digital Justice in the Era of

Tech Disputes Network events
CYK is a founder of the Tech Disputes Network: a place to keep abreast of the latest ideas on avoiding and managing disputes, and to…